GroundPro Pavers Contribute to LEED Credits

Cities, counties, and municipalities are increasingly encouraging—if not requiring—the adoption of green/sustainable BMPs, including stormwater management and low impact development (LID) strategies as outlined by the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system.
GroundPro paver systems can qualify for LEED credits under several categories such as replacing impervious surfaces and limiting runoff, reducing heat buildup, and use of recycled material.
Below is a summary of the credits that can be achieved when a project is designed utilizing StormTank GroundPro in accordance with LEED requirements.
SS Credit 5.1
Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat
Installation with native plants will increase the value of habitat restored.
SS Credit 5.2
Site Development – Maximize Open Space
Reduce impervious surfaces by replacing with pervious surfaces for trafficked areas.
SS Credit 6.1
Stormwater Design – Quantity Control
Reduce runoff by replacing historically impervious areas with pervious surfaces.
SS Credit 6.2
Stormwater Design – Quality Control
Promote infiltration by replacing historically impervious areas with pervious surfaces.
SS Credit 7.1
Heat Island Effect – Non-Roof
Eliminates historically impervious areas with pervious surfaces that reduce heat buildup.
MR Credit 2
Construction Waste Management
Reduce construction waste, as component shipping materials are recyclable.
MR Credit 4
Recycled Content
All components are manufactured from recycled material.
MR Credit 5
Regional Materials
If material has been extracted or manufactured within 500 miles of the project.
ID Credit 1
Innovation in Design
Utilize in a creative design to exceed criteria and incorporate a “Green” product from start to finish.
To determine if/how a project qualifies for credits, StormTank recommends directly contacting the respective local city/county finance or planning and zoning offices.
Contact StormTank for more information regarding the GroundPro flexible permeable paver system and how it support project sustainability or green building goals.